Move into more Vitality with each deep breath.


Yoga Classes Designed to Help You

Gentle Yoga

Gentle yoga is essentially what it sounds like—a gentler style of hatha yoga practice. It is performed at a slower pace, with less intense positions, and usually includes extended time for meditation, yogic breath work, and relaxation. A gentle class usually includes more warm up movements and the yoga postures are often held for longer times. Modifications are done to help people of all fitness levels enjoy the benefits of yoga without putting themselves at risk for injuries. There is a stronger emphasis on stretching, seated poses and low-impact movements in these classes. 

Slow Flow

Slow Flow, as the name suggests, it is a yoga flow that you do at a slower pace. Essentially, in a class, you will do about half the number of poses that you may typically do in a regular flow class – taking more time and breathing in each pose. For example, in a normal flow, you may take one breath per exercise whereas in slow flow yoga, you could take 3-5 breaths per pose. This will allow you to deepen your pose and really focus on each movement at hand. It is a calmer and more restful practice that incorporates a variation of both Vinyasa and Hatha yoga. It’s simple and effective. A great class to come as a beginner or someone who just want’s to keep everything simple and work on their foundations.


The word Hatha is the Sanskrit word for ‘Forceful’, and represents a system of physical techniques. Broken down, the Sanskrit word Ha translates to ‘sun’ and Tha to ‘moon’, equating to Hatha being the yoga practice of balance.

Hatha Yoga is simple and basic with a focus on alignment, physical, and mental benefits of each pose, making Hatha the perfect choice for a novice yogi. In its true classical sense, Hatha yoga is practiced to bridge the gap between your body and higher states of consciousness.

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Flow is a style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath. Vinyasa classes offer a variety of postures and no two classes are ever alike. The variable nature of Vinyasa Yoga helps to develop a more balanced body as well as prevent repetitive motion injuries that can happen if you are always doing the same thing every day. 

Power Yoga

Power Yoga is directed at creating the highest level of energy, vitality, and freedom. The only way to do this is to work with yourself, not against yourself. Expect to sweat, be challenged, get upside down and learn new funky transitions. This class is high energy but more than that it’s motivating. We’re not trying to turn you into acrobats but we are trying to show you that the only limits you have are the ones you’ve placed on yourself. This class is great for confidence and learning how to “advance” your physical practice if that’s what your looking for.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a form of yoga designed to bring balance to everyday life. It teaches us through postures (asanas or kriyas), breathwork (pranayama), chanting (mantras), meditation and relaxation to embrace our wholeness, the fullness of who we each are and to recognise that at our core we have pure, peaceful and joyful potential waiting to be explored.

Kundalini Yoga is considered a transformative practice designed to positively affect your being, empower yourself, and create positive changes in your life beyond the yoga mat.

Restorative Yoga

Revive. Restorative yoga is a restful practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. If you take a restorative class, you may hardly move at all, doing just a few postures over the course of an hour. 

Yin Yoga

Yin is the balancing practice for your yang style of yoga or “It is yoga for the joints, not the muscles”. 

Yin Yoga has the same goals and objectives as any other yoga classes; however, it directs the stimulation normally created in the asana portion of the practice deeper than the superficial or muscular tissues (which we are calling the yang tissues).

Breathe and Qi

Our “Breathe & Qi” sessions combine three key elements that help to shift tension and tightness out of the mind and body and to increase our flow of ”Qi’ or energy. 

The three elements are Qigong, Breathwork and Roll & Release self massage techniques. 

Soul Soothing

Relax into a crystal bowl sound healing with breathwork and guided meditation to sooth your soul and calm your mind.

Bhakti Yoga

You will be guided through a slow-flow practice infused with chanting and mantras. This class aims to release your body as well as your mind using mantras and chanting as tools to deepen your awareness and activate a deeper heart connection.

Chanting soothes your nervous system and activates the relaxation response, acting as a little vibrational broom removing stagnant thoughts and patterns that keep us stuck in life, lifting our frequency to one of love and alignment with our highest self. This class is suitable for all levels and is mildly challenging.


Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, mantra, mudra, image, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.
Expect to explore a range of techniques depending on the teacher’s training and interest. Meditation cushions are available along with blankets, so no mat is required but we do encourage you to bring it along. Some other practices like breath work, kriyas, and yoga may be added in addition to aid the entering of the meditative mind.

Kriya Yoga

This is a practice originating from the Sattva Himalayan tradition. Immerse yourself in powerful Himalayan Tantric practices to shift and evolve.

This particular 60 minute class will be an integrated practice including some asana, pranayama, kriya, mantra and meditation. Each class will have a particular theme.

Kriya is known as the Yoga of electricity. The meaning of Kriya is a specific technique or action designed to create a specific evolutionary response.

Fit Flow

Love a good sweaty flow? Looking for a little more burn and more physical benefits? Good tunes and high vibes await with Fit Flow! It’s a fusion of yoga, Pilates, and exercise that sure to leave you feeling it in the best possible way but with the same mindfulness and care of a yoga class.

This class is for active people that already have a foundational understanding of yoga postures and exercises.

Kids Yoga

Mindful movement and meditation classes for children at Wild Heart Yoga Tribe. Our interactive and supportive classes are specifically designed for 5-10 year olds. Young Yogis will playfully engage with Yoga poses, mindfulness, meditation, breathing and enjoy fun games and activities. 


Our reception room is located in the middle of our studio and is where you can leave your things, phones, change clothes, get cold water, purchase our eco friendly merchandise, and sign into class. 

Shiva Room

Our Shiva Room is our larger and more active space located to the left side when facing into our studio. 

Shakti Room

Our Shakti room is our more intimate and meditative space located to the right side when facing into our studio.